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This exclusive collection of unique new-woven and vintage rugs is here today and gone tomorrow, because each hand-selected rug was either handmade or revived by artisans to create an original piece that can't be recreated. You get the finest quality vintage pieces available at incomparable prices, making these limited time offers too good to pass up. Our vintage and semi-antique rugs have never been tread upon, but they do display age-related wear, distress and natural inconsistencies that are inherent in these handcrafted rugs. This is what adds to their historical, unique appeal. We've carefully selected and curated the most impressive wool rugs, in both neutral tones and in rich bursts of color, so no matter your decorative style, these stunning carpets will match and amplify your decor. Made with all-natural fabrics such as wool and silk, the expert craftsmanship, traditional weaving techniques, decorative motifs and high knots per square inch count (kpsi) make these rugs more than carpeting; they are each a work of art that you'll never find anywhere else. From Persian rugs and runners to handwoven Serapis, and hand-knotted Turkish rugs and kilims to flatweave Nepalese rugs, this high quality collection is unmatched anywhere. When you see a pattern, color or style you love, remember, every wool rug is one-of-a-kind, so once these pieces are gone, they're gone for good. With a new selection offered regularly, this is the opportunity to fall in love with rich history, lush fabrics and a beautiful palette every time you enter your room.